7 Someecards About the “Joys” of Entertaining With Cats

These cards should be familiar to anyone who's had a party and a cat at the same time.

Written by: Michael Leaverton

Last Updated on December 21, 2023 by Catster Editorial Team

gray cat plays with its owner bed

7 Someecards About the “Joys” of Entertaining With Cats

When you’re throwing a party, you always have part of your brain on the whereabouts and the emotional status of your cat — even more so when you’re throwing a party for your cat. There’s always the question: Is the cat going to make this all go to hell? Am I? Should I bring out the laser pointer and really get this party started? Here are seven Someecards that deal with entertaining and cats — even if you’re just entertaining the idea of taking your cat out to dinner.

Top 7 Someecards About the “Joys” of Entertaining With Cats

1. Cats: They make celebrations more exciting!


2. And also dangerous!


3. Though sometimes we let things get a little out of hand


4. When they don’t get a lot out of hand


5. Even so, cats have a way of bringing people together


6. When they’re not keeping them apart


7. Or making them completely nuts


Feature Image Credit: Vika hova, Shutterstock

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