Why Do Cats Roll Around in the Litter Box? 4 Reasons & FAQ

Written by: Kristin Hitchcock

Last Updated on December 13, 2023 by Catster Editorial Team

cat lying on litter tray

Why Do Cats Roll Around in the Litter Box? 4 Reasons & FAQ

As humans, we really don’t consider rolling on the bathroom floor something that we want to do. Therefore, when our cats decide to roll around in the litter box, it can strike us as pretty confusing. However, there are several reasons why this behavior actually makes sense for cats.

Read on below to find out more!

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The 4 Reasons Why Cats Roll Around in the Litter Box

  • Scent Marking: Cats have many scent glands spread throughout their body. When they roll around in the litter, they may be depositing their scent on the litter to mark it as their territory. This behavior can serve to establish their presence and ownership of the litter box. Perhaps not so surprisingly, many cats are quite possessive about their litter box.
  • Cleanliness: Some cats may try to clean themselves in the litter box. This may act as a bit of a dust bath, especially if the litter is particularly dusty. It may also be a way for cats to mask their own scent, which would have been helpful in their wild days—it may prevent predators from detecting them.
  • Comfort and Play: Some cats find the texture of the litter enjoyable to roll in. It may feel cool and soothing to them, similar to how they might roll on a soft carpet or grass. Rolling in the litter could also be a form of play or a way for them to relieve stress and boredom. Sometimes, cats just do things because they can!
  • Medical Issues: There aren’t many medical issues that may make a cat roll around in their litter box. However, there are some situations where it may make sense. Cats act all kinds of strange when they are sick, which can cause strange behaviors like rolling around in the litter box. If your cat suddenly starts acting weird, it may be time to see your vet.

Luckily, most of these reasons are nothing to worry about. Sudden strange behavior paired with other symptoms does indicate that you should visit the vet.

gray kitten sleeps in the cat litter box
Image Credit: Dikova Maria, Shutterstock

Why Is My Cat Playing in the Litter Box?

A cat playing in their litter box isn’t exactly uncommon behavior. There are many reasons why your cat may like to play in the litter box, and there probably isn’t much that you can do to convince them otherwise. Some felines like the texture and enclosed space of the litter box. Some cats are drawn to the texture of the litter. The granules in the litter may feel interesting or enjoyable under their paws, much like a sandy beach or soft dirt might be enticing for a human to play in.

They may see the box as somewhere to “hide,” similarly to any other box. While you may imagine that cats wouldn’t want to play near their bathroom, they don’t really think of their litter box in the same way we think of the toilet. In fact, the litter box may be somewhere cats feel safe, which may be why they decide to play there.

Some cats may find rolling or digging in the litter to be a soothing or stress-relieving activity. This can be especially true for cats that are anxious or experiencing changes in their environment. You may notice that your cat spends extra time in the litter box whenever something stressful happens, like a change in their routine. In this case, your cat is probably using the litter box as a safe place where they can be alone and destress.

They may also see the substrate as something for them to “hunt.” Cat litter moves around and rolls pretty easily, and cats may see this as an invitation to play. This is especially true for younger cats, who tend to be especially prone to playing with random things.

Cats can also get bored and seek out new places to play, which may include the litter box. You can try to provide your cat with new toys and enrichment activities in this case.

How Do I Stop My Cat from Playing in the Litter Box?

While your cat may not mind playing in the litter box, this may not be something you want them to do. Even if you don’t stop your cat from playing in the litter box, we highly recommend keeping the litter box clean. You don’t want your cat getting dirty from one of these litter boxes, after all.

If you don’t want your cat playing in a litter box, here are some options that you can try:

  • Experiment with different types of litter and see if your cat has a preference. Sometimes, cats may only like to play with a particular kind of cat litter—not all kinds of cat litter. Therefore, you may be able to keep them from playing in it if you change it to something they don’t like quite as much.
  • Consider providing more enrichment. Sometimes, cats may simply need more toys to play with so that they have more options beyond their litter box. Consider new toys, more playing sessions, or even interactive toys to help your feline find something to do.
  • Switch to a covered litter box. Making this switch may make the litter box a “less fun” place to play. Alternatively, you can switch to an uncovered litter box if you’re already using a covered one. It all just depends on what you’re currently using and what your feline prefers.
  • Move the litter box to a quieter area. If your cat is using the litter box as a way to jump out at people, consider playing it somewhere quieter. That way, your cat may not be as inclined to play inside the litter box.
  • When in doubt, contact your vet. Playing in the litter box isn’t directly tied to any particular health problem. However, practically all health problems can cause strange behaviors, like a cat hanging around the litter box more than they might otherwise. Therefore, you may need to contact your vet if you suspect that something strange may be going on.
Cat on top of clay cat litter
Image credit: Andrey_Kuzmin, Shutterstock

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Most of the time, you don’t need to prevent your cat from rolling around in the litter box. Many cats simply like to lay around their litter box and may even enjoy playing in it. Some cats simply feel safest in their litter box, which can lead to them rolling and playing in it.

Still, some cat owners may decide that they don’t want their feline rolling in the litter box. In this case, there are several things you can try. For instance, you may switch the type of litter or box you’re using. Cats may only like one specific texture, for instance, and may not want to roll around if that texture changes.

Luckily, this behavior is rarely a sign of something serious. However, when in doubt, you should speak to your vet. There are some cases where strange behaviors like this may be due to an underlying health problem.

Featured Image Credit: Natalia Kokhanova, Shutterstock

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