Dogs have a very keen sense of smell. Therefore, it makes sense that they would be able to detect the scent of cats and other animals. Their smelling abilities are far superior to humans, so they should be able to distinguish between different animals with ease. Not only can they smell cats, but they should be able to identify one cat from the other!
They should also be able to pick up the scent of a cat on their bedding, in the litterbox, and other locations. Of course, different dogs have different smelling abilities. Some are bred specifically for their ability to pick up scents, and these dogs will likely have far better success recognizing the scent of a cat.
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How Far Away Can a Dog Smell a Cat?
While we do know that dogs can absolutely smell cats, it’s difficult to know how close the dog needs to be before they pick up on the scent. The breed of dog matters, as does the dog’s scent abilities and even the weather conditions. Some dogs will be able to pick up scents much further away than others.
In perfect conditions, well-tuned dogs can pick up scents from several miles away. For instance, bloodhounds are known for their exceptional tracking abilities and their ability to follow scents over very long distances. However, these dogs have been specially bred and trained for this sort of olfactory ability. Most dogs can only detect scents at much shorter distances.
The actual range a dog can smell a cat varies widely, as we discussed. In the real world, optimal conditions are rarely met. A dog may be able to detect the presence of a cat from a block or so away, especially if the wind is blowing towards the dog.
It’s essential to remember that a dog’s ability to smell something doesn’t necessarily mean they can locate the source accurately. Tracking and pinpointing the exact location of a scent requires specific training and skills, which some working and hunting dogs possess.
Can Dogs Smell Cats Outside?
Yes, dogs can smell scents outside—but of course, there are often many more scents outdoors, and the weather can make tracking more challenging. However, they can still detect scents in the environment, especially if there aren’t any walls or buildings in the way. If a cat is in the area or has been in the area, then your dog will likely be able to pick up their scent.
Dogs use their sense of smell to gather information about their surroundings, identify potential threats (or prey), and explore the environment. Therefore, dogs are typically very good at using their noses to find all sorts of prey animals (including cats).
Of course, dogs may respond differently to these scents. If cats live nearby and your dog is used to their scent, they may not do anything in particular to signal that there are cats nearby. Conversely, if your dog has a strong prey drive, they may be inclined to track the feline, which may be a problem.
Can Dogs Smell Cats in the House?
Dogs can typically easily smell cats inside the house, especially if there isn’t any wall between them and the feline. Dogs have an exceptional sense of smell, so this isn’t surprising. Dogs may become excited or curious when they smell a cat inside their home, especially if cats aren’t usually there.
Therefore, if you bring a cat home, there is a very good chance that your dog will notice—even if you don’t show them the cat. Your dog may become excited or irritated. Some see cats as playmates, while others see them as prey.
Dogs have such a highly developed sense of smell that there is little you can do to hide the cat once it is inside your home.
Can Dogs Smell Cats Through the Walls?
Probably not. Your dog’s sense of smell isn’t that good.
However, it’s important to remember that any home with a modern heating and cooling system will allow for airflow from one room to another. Therefore, even if your dog cannot smell the cat through the wall, they may be able to smell the scent of the cat circulating within the home. Plus, the scent will also slip underneath the door and any other open space in the walls.
Dogs have a very good sense of smell that allows them to smell cats (and practically any other animal). If your dog has never seen a cat, they may not know what the scent is. However, the scent will still be there, and it may cause your dog to become anxious or excited.
Dogs should also be able to tell between different cats based on scent. If you buy a new cat, your dog will probably notice that something is different rather quickly. Because of their strong sense of smell, dogs can smell cats from pretty far away. Therefore, even if a cat just walks through the other side of your yard, your dog may smell them and notice.
Different dogs have differing abilities in this way, though. Some of them may have a very strong sense of smell, while others may not.
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