Jordyn Alger

Cats are Jordyn’s passion. Whenever she has the opportunity she loves to learn about animals and share her knowledge with everyone. She is devoted to her sassy tabby cat named Jack and works hard to buy him his favorite treats and toys. Discovering new ways to better care for her cat is always on her to-do list, and she is eager to help pet parents everywhere. In Jordyn's spare time, she loves to write, read, and take long walks. She has a creative spirit, which often helps her to come up with funny cat names.

vet holding magnifying glass searching cat fleas

Does Sevin Dust Kill Fleas on Cats? Vet Reviewed Risks & Safety Explored

Sevin Dust is an insecticide with active ingredients, including carbaryl, bifenthrin, and zeta-cypermethrin. It is commonly used in garden spaces to kill unwanted pests. Sevin Dust should never be used directly on your cat, it is highly toxic to cats. In this article, we will discuss why Sevin Dust is dangerous for cats and which …

Does Sevin Dust Kill Fleas on Cats? Vet Reviewed Risks & Safety Explored Read More »

lavender essential oil

Does Lavender Oil Kill Fleas on Cats? Vet Reviewed Effectiveness & Safety Explained

When your cat has a flea infestation, it can be tempting to look for an all-natural cure like lavender oil. However, lavender oil is much more adept at repelling fleas than killing them, so any usefulness from essential oil will be limited. Not only is lavender oil an ineffective insecticide, but it is also dangerous …

Does Lavender Oil Kill Fleas on Cats? Vet Reviewed Effectiveness & Safety Explained Read More »

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