Ascites in Cats (Abdominal Fluid Buildup): Signs, Causes & Care (Vet Answer)
A cat with a swollen or bloated stomach may have ascites. What causes abdominal fluid buildup in cats? How can ascites in cats be treated?
A cat with a swollen or bloated stomach may have ascites. What causes abdominal fluid buildup in cats? How can ascites in cats be treated?
What is prednisone and why would someone use prednisone for cats? And what’s the difference between prednisone and prednisolone for cats?
Taken at face value, asking, “How do cats taste?” may seem like a provocative, even horrifying, question. The Internet can be a vast and terrifying chasm, and a search-engine query entered in the spirit of honest intellectual edification can lead you to encounter at least a few results that force you to confront the darker corners of …
Call the Midwife is one of my favorite television shows, and I can hear the adamant voice of Sister Evangelina insisting that, where infant nutrition is concerned, “The breast is best!” This dictum isn’t meant to be totalizing; after all, sometimes circumstances intervene and the mother may be unavailable or unable to feed her kittens. …
Can Kittens Drink Cow’s Milk? Nutrition Facts & FAQ Read More »
While doing research on albino kittens and cats, and on what makes for a true albino cat, I encountered quite a bit of confusion on the part of cat owners and some misinformation on the Internet. Many people labeled photos of white cats as albinos, who were not, and some websites made strange, broad claims …
The Difference Between an Albino Cat and a White Cat Read More »
When people find out that I write for Catster and that I am allergic to cats, one standard response is, “That’s ironic.” It’s unfortunate that I cannot handle a cat without having to thoroughly wash my hands immediately afterward. It’s inconvenient that I have to wash my coat after visiting the homes of friends who …
In two years of writing for Catster, I have learned three indisputable facts about cats. First, cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that meat and its proteins must make up the bulk of a cat’s food for a cat to derive optimal nutrition from it. Second, cat behavior is unpredictable and capricious. Third, the total area of an indoor …
Can Cats Eat Pineapple Leaves? Nutritional Facts & Advice Read More »
In a high-school biology class, we had to dissect planaria, or flatworms, mostly to witness their miraculous regeneration into two completely different organisms. Well, I say, “we.” From worms on up to frogs, I was loathe to take a blade to anything in that class, so my friend Katherine did all that sort of thing. …
There is no centralized organization maintaining an accurate headcount of cats in shelters, so the best numbers we have for the total shelter cat population in the United States are estimates. According to the president and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States, between 6 million and 7 million dogs and cats enter …
Cats are like any of our close friends or family members when it comes to health; we never want to see them get hurt, suffer debilitating illnesses, or require major surgeries, but these things can and do happen. There are, of course, tons of pain killers for humans in these sad eventualities, but what pain …