Dr. Lauren Demos (Vet)

Dr. Lauren has worked in all aspects of the veterinary field throughout her career and therefore she has a deep understanding of animals. Since graduating from veterinary school, Lauren has worked in multiple countries, fostered many animals, and volunteered her time to help pets and vets alike.

Tiller ponders what might need knocking off the holiday table

Catster’s Guide to Winter Holiday Hazards (With Safety Tips)

We’ve all heard the apocryphal statement that “if you build it, they will come”. Great movie, although there could be more cats… But as we head through the winter holiday season (think New Years, Valentine’s Day, cold weather and snow days, and hey, even President’s Day and the Super Bowl probably fit some definition of …

Catster’s Guide to Winter Holiday Hazards (With Safety Tips) Read More »


Dr. Lauren’s Approved Guide: Why Insurance is a Necessity for Most Felines

Have you ever found yourself with a case of indigestion after eating, say, a foot of Christmas tinsel? Or how about being unable to resist a quick chew or two of that shiny sewing needle with two feet of thread? Yeah, me neither. But, many of us likely know someone who has. A furry someone. …

Dr. Lauren’s Approved Guide: Why Insurance is a Necessity for Most Felines Read More »

vet and assistant holding cats

How to Make a Vet Visit Less Stressful For Your Cat: 10 Tips From Dr. Lauren

Dr. Lauren here! When’s the last time your cat went into the vet? The thought of a howling cat (“singing the song of their people”) is never pleasant. Believe me, I’ve been the person in the car with a Pancake howling so loud, that the people in the car next to me looked at me …

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Pancake close up by the fire

Cats, Humans, & Mental Health: Dr. Lauren’s Thoughts on Well-Being & Reciprocity

I remember watching the news with some curiosity, and a sense of impending change. “Hold on to your socks,” someone said, “this is going to be big.” China had just implemented a nationwide lockdown over a rapidly spreading virus. We all now know how this would irrevocably change our lives over the coming years, full …

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Dr. Lauren and Pancake on the sailboat

Introducing the Catsters: Dr. Lauren and Pancake & Tiller the Adventurers

Hi! My name is Lauren, and I’m a residency-trained feline veterinarian with a passion for cats, teaching, and adventure. When I’m not otherwise engaged, volunteering projects top my list as we get what we receive, and so many have helped me reach this point in my career. I live with two cats (one occasionally grumpy …

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Gray cat with eye infection

6 Most Common Eye Problems in Cats (Vet Answers)

Eye problems in cats aren’t all that common, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t occur. Often, the types of issues seen are quite age-dependent. For instance, young cats can get specific illnesses, like infections and “cat flu”, which impact the eyes and are often viral or bacterial in nature, due to their developing immune …

6 Most Common Eye Problems in Cats (Vet Answers) Read More »

vet giving kitten vaccine

When Does My Cat Need Vaccines? Our Vet Explains the Schedule, Side Effects & FAQ

One of the best ways to keep a cat healthy is to ensure that they get the medical care they need. This means that in addition to a yearly or twice-yearly physical exam with their vet, they need to have their vaccine needs assessed on an annual basis as well. Vaccines can consist of core …

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Veterinarian giving injection to cat

What Vaccines Does My Indoor Cat Need? (Vet Answer)

Vaccines are designed to protect against a variety of feline diseases, including rabies virus, feline leukemia virus, feline distemper (also called parvovirus), feline calicivirus, and feline herpes virus. The timing of vaccines can be a bit complicated, as well as what vaccines an individual cat actually needs. Most cats receive a primary series of vaccines …

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cat licking its paw

My Cat Licked Flea Medicine! Here’s What to Do (Vet Answer)

Routine care for your cat will often include giving them a monthly or tri-monthly flea treatment. Thanks to modern medicine, this has never been easier, as flea medicine is now often found in topical form—where the medication can be applied directly to the skin and absorbed. This prevents the dreaded pilling of a cat, which …

My Cat Licked Flea Medicine! Here’s What to Do (Vet Answer) Read More »

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