Stacy Hackett

A lifelong cat owner, Stacy N. Hackett writes frequently about cats, cat breeds and a range of pet-related topics. The inspiration for her writing comes from her cats, Jack and Katie, and her Cocker Spaniel/Labrador Retriever mix, Maggie.

Funny tabby cat sitting in a llitter box and looking curiously outside.

Cat Poop Guide for Cats of All Ages: How Often Should They Poop & When to Worry

I know more than I ever wanted to learn about cats and their bowel movements, thanks to my 8 ½-year-old red tabby, Jack. Since we adopted him at 12 weeks old, Jack has experienced many episodes and bouts of stomach upset and questionable “output” as a kitten (right after we adopted him), as an adult …

Cat Poop Guide for Cats of All Ages: How Often Should They Poop & When to Worry Read More »

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