Sarah Psaradelis

Sarah Psaradelis is an avid young writer with dual passions for literature and animals. She enjoys sharing knowledge of animal care and helping others. Sarah has over 8 years of writing experience and is currently studying veterinary science. She resides in South Africa where she takes care of fish, aquarium snails, dogs, and rodents. Sarah is a passionate vegan activist and animal rescuer pursuing her path to make the world a better place for humans and animals alike.

vet examining the sick cat with stethoscope

My Cat Is Not Eating But Acting Normal, What’s Wrong? 7 Vet-Reviewed Issues

It is understandable to feel worried if your once food-loving feline has a reduced appetite lately but still acts normal. Although cats can be finicky about mealtimes and their food preferences, a poor appetite could indicate that something is wrong. There are various reasons why your cat could be eating less food than usual but …

My Cat Is Not Eating But Acting Normal, What’s Wrong? 7 Vet-Reviewed Issues Read More »

Cat on a signal in Japan

What Place Do Cats Have In Japanese Culture? History, Art, Folkore & More

Cats are quite popular in Japan, you will find cats depicted in Japanese pop culture, from the “Maneki Neko,” the beckoning cat, to Japanese folklore that symbolizes cats as good fortune. Cats represent many things in Japanese culture and are believed to be elegant and mysterious creatures that started when cats were brought over from …

What Place Do Cats Have In Japanese Culture? History, Art, Folkore & More Read More »

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